
Blue Glue software empowers women’s organizations to build vibrant online community. BG software was created as a more powerful, relevant and private social network that is directed and owned by the participants with no outside control or invasion of privacy. Blue Glue software facilitates conversations around focused and highly relevant topics individualized for each client. Important content is stored for future reference by the private group and to build a powerful knowledge source. Clients of Blue Glue Software include The Levo League and WIM.

Company Description

Blue Glue software offers a white label solution with a customizable, private social network and facilitates conversations around focused and highly relevant topics individualized for each client. Important content is stored for future reference by the private group and to build a powerful knowledge source.

Because each community is private and users own all of their own data, the community is a safe place to have “off the record” exchanges. Users have the ability to delete information they would like removed from the network. Clients of Blue Glue Software include The Levo League and WIM.

WIM Connect

Levo League Lounge